VC 23700: Mandatory Ignition Interlock Device Installation for DUI Convictions in Sacramento County
The Department of Motor Vehicles has issued a memo that states that all people convicted of DUI in Sacramento County - regardless of their county of residence - will be required to install Ignition Interlock Devices on their vehicles as part of a test program created under Vehicle Code 23700. Sacramento County is one of four counties in California - including Los Angeles, Alameda, and Tulare - that were required by the passage last year of AB 91 to establish these DUI test programs for evaluation through 2016.
The memo (Occupational Licensing Industry News - OLIN 2010-08) specifically declares:
Individuals convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) under Vehicle Code (VC) §§23152, 23153, or Penal Code (PC) §191.5(b) in one of the four pilot counties must install a certified IID on any vehicle that he/she owns or operates, before a driver license can be issued, reissued, or the driving privilege reinstated. The IID requirement is determined if the conviction occurs in one of the four pilot counties; not the driver's county of residence.
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