DUI Bill Watered Down in Committee

A bill that would have substantially increased penalties for DUI convictions was watered down before being passed out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The proposed law, authored by Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo), would have given judges the authority to impose a lifetime ban on driving after three DUI convictions. Instead, the bill gives judges the ability to revoke a license for 10 years. Current state law suspends driving privileges for three years after a third DUI conviction. Also removed by the committee was language that allowed consideration of a driver's lifetime record for DUI conviction. Current law limits consideration to the previous 10 years. Hill claimed that budget limitations were the primary reason the bill was amended. It was estimated that the bill would have cost $10 million a year to house the additional people who would have been sent to prison due to conviction for felony DUI, which comes after a fourth DUI conviction. Felony DUI convictions would hav...